The Humane Society of Sedona loves Cat’s Pride cat litter!! Because of nominations from our cat loving supporters Cat’s Pri
de donated 120 coupons for FREE cat litter to HSS!! That saves a lot of money for the shelter, helps us keep the cat litter boxes clean (which we know they love!), and ultimately allows us to save more cats.
The Litter for Good program is being offered again and every time HSS is nominated we will receive more FREE cat litter. Please help us and the kitties by nominating the Humane Society of Sedona.
For every green jug of Cat’s Pride® Fresh & Light® bought, Cat’s Pride will donate a pound of litter to help shelter cats across the country an at HSS!
Here’s what to do:
1. Go to and join the free Cat’s Pride Club.
2. Click “Nominate” and find us by ZIP code – HSS is 86336
3. After you nominate us, ask friends and family to do the same!