Our 2023 Donation Canister Winning Business Partners!


1st Place – BowWow Pet Boutique Sedona raised $475.36

Volunteer, Donna, managing the shop’s Donation Canister. BowWow has raised a total of $1,245 since joining us. We thank them for their support of the animals we care for at the Humane Society of Sedona.


2nd Place – Sedona Ace Hardware raised $366.11

Volunteer, Linda, managing the Donation Canister for the location. Ace has raised $2,156 since they joined our program. We are grateful for their ongoing support of our mission.


3rd Place – Sedona Kids Company raised $308.71

Volunteer, Donna, managing the business Canister. Shop owner, Jennifer, graciously supports HSS by having 2 Donation Canisters – one each at the Sedona Kids Company and Sedona’s Tree House. We are grateful for the $906 they have raised since beginning their support.


Our appreciation goes out to these businesses, and all the others, for helping to save abandoned and disowned companion pets through the Humane Society of Sedona Donation Canisters Program.

“We are so grateful for our Canister Partners and those that donate. Who would think that such a simple act of kindness would add up to a such a big win for the homeless cats and dogs sheltered at HSS?”

– Jennifer Brehler, HSS Executive Director

About the Program

27 Years of Hope & Giving

January 31, 1997 is the first recorded entry to the HSS Donation Canister Program, raising $4,377.33 for the animals that first year. Currently, eight Volunteers manage Shelter Donation Canisters in 59 businesses in Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek, including one in Cottonwood.

Your Spare Change Can Save Lives

Sedona and VOC residents have helped local abandoned animals for 27 years, raising over $180,598 by dropping their loose change and bills into the familiar acrylic box, usually located near a checkout counter. This past year, $8,184 was collected by 46 community businesses. That’s enough to pay for nearly 100 spay or neuters, helping pets to live healthier, longer lives, and helping to battle pet overpopulation.

Join the Ka-Ching!

 Let’s face it, who doesn’t like the sound of coins dropping into a bank? With your simple gift you join hundreds of other residents, just like you, who love, cherish, and want to protect the homeless companion pets in our communities. By the way, we like the swish of a dollar bill going into the Donation Canisters, too!

Businesses in the Business of Community Support

Do you have a few inches of space on the countertop of your business? Join us as a Donation Canister Partner to help abandoned animals. The Humane Society of Sedona will provide an attractive donation canister and an HSS Volunteer will service and empty it on a regular basis. Your customers will feel great knowing they are helping disowned and hurting animals. They will feel great about you, too, because they know you care about our community’s pets. To sign-up as a partner or for more information, please email bredel@humanesocietyofsedona.org or call 928.399.7417.